nowhere to go (mother’s day)

Mother's day is not the same this year,
She sits with a starving belly and dried tears as she feeds her children,
She won't rest until their mouths are fed.
She ignores the pains in her head,
The babies need to be fed,
She dreads the sounds that signal the end,
The children are asleep now so she has to fend for herself,
Most of her family is gone now so she has little to no help.

In the morning they have to leave because it's not livable in these parts,
Oh the city's aching heart,
The generational trauma,
The students screaming for freedom during exam and commencement week,
So speechless I can't speak.
I'm in awe of the bravery,
I have nothing but endless praise,
I can talk about it all day.
The establishment is rocked and they're scratching their heads with raised eyebrows,
She sees their efforts and has nothing but endless praise now,
They care.

Mother's day is not the same this year,
She sits with tears in her eyes and lost hope when she realizes that there is nowhere to go anymore,
The city is in ruins,
What are we doing?
Where are the rest of the bodies?
Somebody help.
Babies crying,
Children screaming,
Families weeping,
Communities grieving.
What does your daily routine look like?
Where are they going to go?
Wasn't this supposed to be the safe haven?
The people long for paradise,
For a heaven on earth filled with freedom from the river to the sea,
She wants to see that day with her family, friends and community.

held me

On that sunny Saturday morning I bawled my eyes out, 
My joy turned to sorrow,
What was this about?
I was bereft,
The tears flowed in an endless stream,
It felt like the end of my dreams.
You know what I appreciate?
The fact that you never left me,
Never screamed,
Never made me feel like a burden while I was crying on your shoulder.
You held me as I wept,
Spoke life into me as the negative words crept into my mind.
Moments like these are rare for me,
Thanks to you, this is forever etched into my memories,
All because you held me.

you always saw it for me

A while ago you told me that you always saw it for me,
Oh really?
Where the hell were when I need you to see me?
You tell me that you always believed in me,
Why didn't you give me my flowers when I was trying and struggling?
You say that you're proud of me,
I guess I'll take the compliment and the disingenuous flattery.
You say that you saw my potential from the beginning,
If so, then why did you make me feel like an afterthought compared to everyone else,
The exclusion hurt like hell.
A while ago, I felt like you didn't know me and you still don't.
You say that you always saw it for me,
Who, what, where, when and why?
Where were you those nights I cried?
Where the hell were you when I felt like a golden mistake in your eyes?
You tell me that you always knew I was going to be great,

through the day

Love the peace and quiet,
A far cry from the chaos,
I'm glad that I can say that I made it through the day.
Something big is coming my way and I needed to be reminded of my capabilities,
So much potential in me that some people see and others don't
But that's okay because I made it through the day.

Love the fact that I can talk to you because you don't just hear me, you listen,
You see me.
Everything didn't go the way I expected but I made it through the day.
So much fire shut up in my bones that part of me feels and part of me doesn't
So much beauty inside that part of me recognizes and part of me downplays
But that's okay because I know all of me will embrace it someday,
I'm just glad that I made it through the day

Into a Puddle

So mad I wanna cry,
Don't even wanna try to hold it in anymore........
I've been pushed to the extreme,
Don't know what's gotten into me,
The situation won't let me be.
I just want to dissolve into a puddle of tears,
My fears of humiliation of have come true,
The rumination is consuming the hell out of my body.

So mad I wanna cry....
Are you gonna do anything?
Do you care?
Ok, so you're just going to stand there.....
My feelings aren't hurt,
I'm ok.
I'm strong, right?
I can fight this, right?
I'm okay.

No, no the hell I'm not.
My raw vulnerability is on display and no one cares,
No one cares,
I'm embarrassed.
No one cares.
I'm no angel,
None of us are but boy did this leave a scar,
Broke my freaking heart.
I just want to dissolve into a puddle and not move.
No one's gonna hug me,
Why should I expect them to?


just happy being here with you 
what could've destroyed us made us more resilient
we survived
our bodies are still processing and healing from the trauma that goes beyond drama
we survived
he has a plan for us
we weren't meant to leave
we're still grieving
sometimes still believing that we aren't deserving
just happy being here with you
what could've shattered us strengthened us
we don't owe everyone strength everyday but we owe it to ourselves to celebrate the small victories

that day during class

Your words picked me up when I needed it,
Built my resilience little by little,
bit by bit because you spoke life in me when I could not see the light,
The tears in my eyes made the sight of the sun sting,
Words so thoughtful, so caring.

Your words allowed me to walk back in that room and finish the day,
Before those words I did not know how much more I could take,
Built my confidence bit by bit,
Little by little.
Wherever you are, I pray that you are having the best life,
A blessed one because I will never forget how much you changed my life that day during class.

ah, my little phoenix

oh that day almost destroyed you but it didn't.
the tears are okay, you've earned them through many lessons learned.
I'm so proud of you and may you continue to rise,
ah, my little phoenix.

Oh that day nearly broke your will but here you are
still here,
Congratulations my dear.
The cries won't go unheard,
Just like the lessons learned,
Oh the stripes you've earned.
My love this is just the beginning,
May you continue to rise,
feel everything,
voice your needs,
ah, my little phoenix.

Oh that day broke your heart and thinking about it still tears you apart sometimes,
Let it out its okay to cry every once in a while,
Smiles aren't meant for every moment,
You're a human, own it.
I extend all the love I can to you,
Just know that the angels love you too.
May you continue to rise,
Time and time again,
and again,
and again,
Continue to thrive in this life,
Ah, my little phoenix.

the category is……………..

The category is.............................lack of compassion
The empathy is lacking
All of that talk and none of the action is backing it up,
Nothing but a half empty, half full cup,
How much can people take,
How much?
Is apathy even a luxury anymore?
The bar is on the floor.
The category is............................................pain
Your hate is stronger than any stubborn stain on this shirt,
You find delight in diminishing people's self worth,
That goes beyond treating people like dirt,
How many cries,
People are hungry.
How many prayers for mercy on your behalf?
The category is........................................heartbreak
Do you realize how much is at stake?
How much people have to lose?
You don't,
Do you?
You got your tens but prize is covered in golden lies,
Truth through your eyes is costing people their lives.


Every day, Lily has to go to the gold mine.
Yes, she has no choice but to find time because what else can she do?
Where else can she go after her body has been violated?
A traumatized pariah that can't go back home because if she opens her mouth about what really happened to her she'll be alone.

She's digging for gold to be used in the latest phones with the backdrop of devastating and catastrophic war destruction.
She needs a visit today,
A break,
How much more can she take?
She'll do anything for the pain to go away.
The same violence happened to her daughter who's too afraid to speak now.
The longing of freedom and peace in their eyes,
On their knees praying for God's mercy on their bodies and spirits,
Can you hear it?
Not another day or night of this.

Lily is expected to be the mightiest warrior, but how can she when she's still traumatized from being dehumanized?
Her shoulder a pillow for tears from her daughter's eyes
A young mind riddled with fears for own future.
Tomorrow she has to compartmentalize her sorrow and go back to the gold mine.
What choice does she have?
She needs the money to survive.